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Nos produits et outils de diagnostic

Cleon Solutions d'Affaires a developpé ses propres outils analytiques de diagnostic et utilise aussi les         meilleurs logiciels du marché afin de produire des résultats rapides. 

A titre d'exemple pour nos projets d'optimisation des inventaires nous utilisons les outils et logiciels de
notre partenaire Barloworld Optimus.

Ceci est un présentation sommaire de notre outil d'optimisation des inventaires OPTIMIZA (en anglais).

Key Perfornance and Process Monitoring
Defining the Supply Chain
Accurate Ordering Key Perfornance and Process Monitoring
Accurate Ordering
Reducing Excess and Increasing On-Hand ABC and Slice-and-Dice Analyses
Reducing Excess and Increasing On-Hand Projecting Demand Projecting Demand Best Projections Best Projections ABC and Slice-and-Dice Analyses ABC and Slice-and-Dice Analyses
Projecting Demand Best Projections

Supply and Lead Time Management

Defining a supply chain - Setting and monitoring lead times 

Main activities are:
  • Set up the routes of supply;
  • Establish and forecast lead times;
  • Monitor delivery performance;
  • Develop supplier collaboration;
  • Set up vendor-managed inventory.

Figure - Supplier Analysis 

Stock Profiling and Classification

Profiling product ranges using ABC and "slice and dice" techniques

Main activities are:
  • Define what stock should be held at which locations;
  • Profile product ranges, including slow movers and critical items;
  • Slice-and-Dice data into more meaningful groups;
  • Facilitate new product introductions;
  • Manage all time-buys and supersessions;
  • Process bill of materials and generic items;
  • Manage strategic and insurance stock.

Figure - Item Classification and Profiling


Forecasting and Demand Planning

Determining the best possible projection of demand

Main activities are:
  • "Best fit" forecasts using historical data;
  • Manage future events (e.g., promotions, public holidays changes);
  • Forecast slow-moving items;
  • Collaborate with customers;
  • Manage forecast errors by exception;
  • Implement a performance measurement framework and closed-loop process.

Figure - Forecasting analysis     

Inventory Modeling and Strategic Planning

Modeling the effect before implementing

Main activities are:
  • Establish realistic inventory objectives;
  • Link these objectives to the replenishment of individual line items;
  • Set safety stock using line item risk profiles;
  • Develop inventory models driven by service levels;
  • Identify and quantify “causes of inventory”;
  • Project inventory budgets;
  • Facilitate “what if” scenario modeling.

Figure - An inventory model versus actual inventory

Excess Stock Management

Reducing Excess Stock and Increasing Stock On Hand

Main activities are:

  • Minimize the risk of ordering excess stock;
  • Redistribute existing excess;
  • Flag surplus ordered items;
  • Manage all time-buys and supersessions;
  • Implement internal and external virtual warehousing;
  • Manage consignment stock.

Figure -  Landscape  of inventory 


Replenishment and Distribution

The right to order from the right place at the right time

Main activities are:
  • Generate and manage new orders;
  • Review daily order pipelines using Cockpit technology;
  • Plan and implement family group ordering;
  • Manage stock builds and produce rough-cut capacity plans;
  • Collaborate with suppliers using future order projections.

Figure - Distribution Plan


Key Performance and Process Monitoring

Monitoring and measuring every replenishment transaction

Main activities are:
  • Measure inventory performance against pre-determined targets;
  • Measure process improvements;
  • Provide daily/weekly/monthly Key Performance Indicators;
  • Plan and implement family group ordering;
  • Monitor the health of inventory;
  • Evaluate performance by user-defined groupings.

Figure - Inventory Cockpit

 ©  Optimiza presentation with the agreement of Barloworld Optimus

© Copyright 2007 Cleon Business Solutions